Akademska čestitost

Dana 17. listopada održani su Erasmus+ dani otvorenih vrata u Sveučilišnom centru Koprivnica. Program je započeo u 14:00 u trajanju od dva sata, a svi zainteresirani mogli su saznati što je to zapravo Erasmus+ program.

Uvodnu riječ održala je izv. prof. dr. sc. Anica Hunjet, prorektorica za znanstveno-umjetički rad i međunarodnu suradnju, a uvodne informacije s nama su podijelile Marina Klarić i Tina Lukčić iz Ureda za međunarodnu suradnju. Studenti su također poslušali iskustva „iz prve ruke“ studenata koji su putem Erasmus+ programa doputovali iz Madrida na Sveučilište Sjever. Uz ostalo, izv. prof.dr.sc. Petar Kurečić održao je kratko predavanje o Erasmus+ mobilnosti te je kroz svoja međunarodna iskustva nastavnog osoblja, pojasnio kako se prijaviti na natječaj te nas uveo u značenje KA107 (mobilnost izvan EU) i KA103. U sklopu programa, održane su radionice za studente i nastavno osoblje. Na studentskoj radionici koju je održala Erasmus koordinatorica, Marina Klarić, objašnjeno je kako popuniti prijavni obrazac za mobilnost, koji su nam podaci potrebni te što se sve očekuje od studenata u motivacijskom pismu.

Prijava za mobilnost mora sadržavati:

  1. popunjen prijavni obrazac,
  2. kopiju domovnice (za hrvatske državljane) ili drugi dokaz o državljanstvu za strane studente,
  3. potvrdu o statusu studenta,
  4. prijepis ocjena svih položenih ispita sa svih razina studija


  1. prijavni obrazac za dodatno financiranje studenata s invaliditetom,
  2. prijavni obrazac za dodatno financiranje studenata nižeg socioekonomskog statusa i Izjava o članovima zajedničkog kućanstva

Razgovarali smo sa studentima iz Madrida sa Unversidad Rey Juan Carlos koji su trenutno na razmjeni na Sveučilištu Sjever – podijelili su s nama dosadašnja iskustva sa studiranjem, životom u Hrvatskoj, Erasmusu i slično.

Antonio, 21, Madrid (Spain)

My name is Antonio and I came here because of the Erasmus project. I study Audiovisual communication but here I’m taking The media design classes. At the moment I live in Zagreb, which is pretty far from here so I have to travel for about two hours every day, it’s also kind of expensive to be honest. I live with my other two Erasmus colleagues. I came here three weeks ago and all four of us are staying here for the entire semester. I came to Koprivnica four times I think, and teacher forced us to attend the classes haha. But now we’re here because we actually like the classes and the professors!
Everyone usually goes to bigger countries, but I chose Croatia because it’s an unusual and less popular place to go to. I like it mainly because it’s different!


Clara, 21, Madrid (Spain)

I also study Audiovisual communication and Journalism for a double degree, but here I’m studying Media design. Croatia is quite good, especially Zagreb because there’s many things you can do there and many places you can go to, and honestly I don’t know anything about that aspect of life in Koprivnica. All the classes I’ve attended so far have been really interesting and professors are really nice and approachable. We didn’t know each other before Erasmus, we’re just going to the same university in Madrid. We also attend different classes, some of us take the morning classes and some of us take the afternoon classes.
The experience is definitely awesome, it’s different than Spain, especially Madrid! I really like how green and natural Croatia is, unlike Spain.


Lara, 20, Madrid (Spain)

I’m also from the same university. I’m really enjoying Croatia so far, I think it’s a really nice country. I’ve never been here for holidays and I’m surprised I like it, I would definitely recommend it to anyone! Erasmus really helped me in meeting new culture and I have to say, people are really nice here! Zagreb is a big city but definitely not as big as some cities in Spain, however it has everything I need and it’s not as expensive as I thought it would be.  
Madrid is a big city with a lot of Erasmus students. I will definitely encourage them to think about going to Croatia!


Myriam, 20, Madrid (Spain)

Just like Lara, I’m studying Journalism and at the moment I’m staying here in Koprivnica but in a month I’ll move to Zagreb too. Like Antonio said, the biggest difference between Croatia and Spain is the public transport – it’s way slower and more expensive. But people here are very open minded!
You’ll get out of your comfort zone and it’s a great way to meet new people and to try new things! Just go for it!


Studenti koji se odluče za mobilnost, mogu uz studiranje odrađivati i stručnu praksu ili samo jedno od toga. Ukoliko razmišljate o tome da se odmah prijavite, požurite! Prijava za zimski semestar je završila, za ljetni semestar traje do 29.10. Prijavni obrazac možete pronaći na Erasmus+ internetskoj stranici, a za sve dodatne informacije možete se javiti na mobilnost@unin.hr.

Kako je to izgledalo u prijašnjim programima, pogledajte ovdje!
